
Do you know whose job AI is not going to be replacing anytime soon? My plumbers.

Literally every week there is a new advancement in generative AI that gets us one step closer to AI that can achieve the “Turing Test equivalent output” for many functional roles within an organization.

A friendly agent to help you sift through the documentation and clarify any questions? You can set that up in less than an hour.

How about write a blog? That was so 2022.

What about someone who could provide a quick sounding board to test your ideas, or an intern you can research different business opportunities? This is all easy to do with tools that are either free or cost as much for a monthly subscription as a human might charge per hour or even per 15 minutes.

I have been following these developments relatively closely and I have yet to see an AI that can replace copper piping, install a water heater, or shut off the water if a pipe bursts under my house. While a huge number of programmers have been laid off here in the Bay Area, my plumber is doing just fine.