Knowing About

With LLMs accelerating daily, the value of “knowing about” something is approaching zero. To use an example that is relevant to my business polySpectra: previously it might have been valuable to be the person on your team or in your company that knows about “resin 3D printing”. In about 90 seconds I just tested (via Poe) GPT 4, Claude-2, Llama-2-70b, and PaLM 2. They all “know about” resin 3D printing (see below for examples).

If someone knows how to spell the thing you are curious about - they can get a pretty good overview of a topic instantaneously and for free. So your value as the person who “knows about” the topic isn’t very high, because in the time it would take me to find you, I already have the answers I need.

So how is a mere human supposed to stay ahead of the curve? Perhaps you can know something that is fundamentally unknowable to AI. Perhaps you can do something better and faster and cheaper than anyone else. (“Knowing how” is clearly infinitely more valuable than “knowing about”.)

Or perhaps you can choose a few things or maybe even just one thing - you can choose a topic on which you are going to be the absolute foremost expert in the entire world. Not a topic that you “know about”, a topic that you know in your bones, a topic that you live every single day.

Examples for fun:

Resin 3D Printing

Resin 3D printing, also known as stereolithography (SLA), digital light processing (DLP), or liquid crystal display (LCD) printing, is a popular method of additive manufacturing that uses light to cure liquid resin into solid objects.

How Does Resin 3D Printing Work?

Resin 3D printing involves the use of a light source — UV laser in SLA, projector light in DLP, or LCD panel in LCD printing — to cure and solidify a photosensitive liquid resin layer by layer. The light source is controlled by a computer, which follows a digital 3D model to guide the light along specific paths for each layer.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

  1. The build platform is lowered into the resin vat, leaving a thin layer of liquid resin between the build platform and the bottom of the vat.
  2. The light source then traces the first layer of the 3D model, hardening the resin where it strikes.
  3. The build platform moves up to peel off the hardened layer from the bottom of the vat and allows new resin to flow beneath.
  4. The process repeats, layer by layer, until the object is complete. Each new layer adheres to the one beneath it, resulting in a complete 3D object.
  5. After printing, the object is typically cleaned in a solvent to remove excess resin and then post-cured under UV light to achieve full hardness and mechanical properties.


The primary material used in resin 3D printing is a type of photopolymer known as resin. The specifics of the resin, such as its color, hardness, and finish, can vary significantly. Some common types include:

  • Standard resins: Good for general purposes and easy to print with.
  • Tough and durable resins: Designed to withstand higher stress and strain, mimicking the properties of materials like ABS or polypropylene.
  • Flexible resins: Can mimic the properties of materials like rubber.
  • Castable resins: Burn out cleanly from molds, ideal for jewelry or parts that will be cast in metal.
  • High-detail resins: Designed to capture very fine details, often used in modeling or dentistry.

Advantages of Resin 3D Printing

  • High resolution and accuracy: Resin 3D printers can produce parts with a high level of detail and precision, making them ideal for applications that require intricate designs, such as jewelry, dentistry, and model making.
  • Smooth surface finish: Objects printed using resin 3D printers typically have a very smooth surface finish compared to other forms of 3D printing, reducing the need for post-processing.
  • Material variety: There are many different types of resins available, each with unique properties, allowing for a wide range of applications.

Disadvantages of Resin 3D Printing

  • Post-processing: While the surface finish is typically smooth, all parts require cleaning and post-curing after printing, which can be messy and time-consuming.
  • Material handling: Resins can be sticky, messy, and often require careful handling due to their sensitivity to UV light. They can also be potentially harmful or allergenic, requiring protective equipment when handling.
  • Size limitations: Resin 3D printers typically have smaller build volumes than FDM printers, making them less suitable for large parts.
  • Cost: The cost of resin can be high, and the printers themselves can also be more expensive than FDM printers.

Applications of Resin 3D Printing

Resin 3D printing is used in a variety of industries and applications, including:

  • Dental and medical: Resin printers can produce highly accurate dental models, surgical guides, and prosthetics.
  • Jewelry: The high precision and smooth surface finish make resin 3D printing popular in jewelry making, especially combined with castable resins.
  • Prototyping and product design: Resin 3D printing is great for producing detailed prototypes that closely resemble the final product.
  • Model making and miniatures: The high-resolution capabilities make resin 3D printing a popular choice for creating highly detailed models and miniatures, such as those used in tabletop gaming.


Resin 3D Printing

  • Resin 3D printing, also known as stereolithography (SLA) or vat photopolymerization, uses liquid photopolymer resins that are cured and solidified by light to build objects layer-by-layer.

  • A UV laser or projector selectively cures and solidifies each layer of resin in the build area based on the 3D model. The build platform then raises out of the vat of resin to allow fresh liquid resin to flow under and prepare for the next layer.

  • Common resin materials include epoxy and acrylate-based photopolymers. The resins are designed to cure rapidly with UV light exposure.

  • Resin 3D printers offer very high resolution and detail, with layer thicknesses as low as 25-100 microns. Smooth surfaces and fine features can be produced.

  • Supports are needed during printing to prevent deformation by holding up overhangs and spanning gaps in the model. Supports are removed after printing is complete.

  • Resin printing is good for smaller, high detail prints like jewelry, miniatures and dental models. The build area is typically smaller than other 3D printing methods.

  • Resins can have limitations in terms of strength, heat resistance and UV stability compared to other materials. Post-curing under UV is often used to improve mechanical properties.

  • Resin printers require cleaning and post-processing to remove excess liquid resin after printing. Isopropyl alcohol is commonly used for this.

  • Resin tanks need periodic replacement as the transparent bottom wears out over time. Resin also has a shelf life and expires after 6-12 months typically.

Claude 2

Resin 3D Printing

Resin 3D printing is a type of 3D printing technology that uses a photopolymer resin as the printing material. The resin is a light-sensitive material that hardens when exposed to light, allowing for precise and detailed prints.

Printing process

The printing process involves a layer of resin being exposed to light through a mask or laser, which hardens the resin in a specific pattern. The build platform then moves down, and the process is repeated, layer by layer, until the entire print is completed.

Photopolymer resin

The photopolymer resin is a light-sensitive material that hardens when exposed to light. It is typically made up of a mixture of a resin base and a photoinitiator, which is responsible for the hardening process.


Resin 3D printing is capable of producing prints with high resolution and detail, typically in the range of 10-50 microns. This makes it ideal for printing small, intricate parts and models.


Resin 3D printing is known for its accuracy and precision, with prints often being within 0.1-0.2mm of the original design.

Layer thickness

The layer thickness in resin 3D printing can vary depending on the printer and the specific resin being used. Typical layer thicknesses range from 10-100 microns.


After the print is complete, it may require post-curing, which involves exposing the print to light for a longer period of time to fully harden the resin.


Resin prints can be finished in a variety of ways, including sanding, priming, and painting.


Resin 3D printing is generally more expensive than other 3D printing technologies, due to the cost of the photopolymer resin and the specialized equipment required.

Build volume

Resin 3D printers typically have smaller build volumes compared to other 3D printing technologies, due to the need for precise light exposure.


Resin 3D printing is commonly used for printing small, intricate parts and models, such as in jewelry, dentistry, and engineering. It is also used for prototyping and artistic applications.

Some popular resin 3D printers include:

  • Formlabs Form 3
  • Prusa i3
  • Photon S

Some popular resin 3D printing software includes:

  • Formlabs PreForm
  • PrusaSlicer
  • Photon Slicer
  • Cura
  • Slic3r

Some popular resin 3D printing materials include:

  • Formlabs Standard Resin
  • Formlabs Grey Resin
  • Formlabs Clear Resin
  • Prusa Resin
  • Photon Resin
  • MakerGeeks Resin


Resin 3D Printing

Resin 3D printing, also known as stereolithography (SLA), is a 3D printing technology that uses a laser to cure liquid resin into solid objects. The process starts with a 3D model, which is sliced into thin layers. The laser then traces each layer of the model onto the surface of a vat of resin, curing the resin and solidifying it into a solid object.

There are two main types of resin 3D printers:

  • DLP (Digital Light Processing) printers use a projector to cure the resin. DLP printers are faster than SLA printers, but they produce less detailed objects.
  • SLA (Stereolithography) printers use a laser to cure the resin. SLA printers are slower than DLP printers, but they produce more detailed objects.

Resin 3D printing is used for a variety of applications, including:

  • Prototyping: Resin 3D printing is a fast and cost-effective way to create prototypes of new products.
  • Manufacturing: Resin 3D printing can be used to manufacture small batches of custom parts.
  • Art: Resin 3D printing can be used to create unique and intricate works of art.

Here are some of the advantages of resin 3D printing:

  • High accuracy: Resin 3D printers can produce objects with very high accuracy.
  • Smooth surface finish: Resin 3D printed objects have a smooth surface finish, which makes them ideal for applications where aesthetics are important.
  • Wide range of materials: There is a wide range of resins available for resin 3D printing, which allows users to create objects with different properties.

Here are some of the disadvantages of resin 3D printing:

  • Slow speed: Resin 3D printers are slower than other 3D printing technologies, such as FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling).
  • High cost: Resin 3D printers and resins can be expensive.
  • Post-processing: Resin 3D printed objects often require post-processing, such as cleaning and curing.

Overall, resin 3D printing is a versatile and powerful technology that can be used for a variety of applications. However, it is important to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of resin 3D printing before deciding if it is the right technology for your needs.

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