• Step 0: Get your book as a .PDF (As an example, I chose “The 4-Hour Work Week”, which is available as a PDF for free from the author.)
  • Step 1: Sign up for SuperAgent: https://beta.superagent.sh and connect your OpenAI API key (by pasting it here after clicking “configure”).
  • Step 2: Go to “Datasources”. Click “New Data Source”. Click “Local files”. Pick the file, give it a name and description. New Data Source for SuperAgent
  • Step 3: (While your data source is processing…) go to “Agents”. Click “New Agent”. Under Datasources, select the source. Select the Data Source
  • Step 4: Give it a prompt. I chose this:

    You are an helpful AI Assistant. You are an expert in productivity. You are an expert in startup business systems. When answering a question, first see if the answer is available in The Four-Hour Work Week book data.

  • Step 5: Choose the model and connect the datasource. Click “Update Agent” to save. Your agent setup should look something like this: Agent Setup
  • Step 6: Go back to “Datasources” to confirm that the datasource is done processing. It should say “Ready”. Datasource Done Processing
  • Step 7: Go back to your agent and test it out!

Here was my test question:

help me with my “dreamlining” excercise. to confirm your understanding, summarize the process of “dreamlining” from the book.

…and the response:

“Dreamlining” is a concept introduced by Tim Ferriss in his book “The 4-Hour Work Week”. It’s a process that involves defining your goals and dreams in concrete terms and then breaking them down into actionable steps. Here’s a summary of the process:

Create Two Timelines: Create two timelines - one for six months and one for twelve months. For each timeline, list up to five things you dream of having (including, but not limited to, material wants: house, car, clothing, etc.), being (be a great cook, be fluent in Chinese, etc.), and doing (visiting Thailand, tracing your roots overseas, racing ostriches, etc.) in that order.

Determine the Cost: Next, you need to determine the cost of these dreams to make them a reality. This includes the cost of living your dream and any expenses that might arise in the pursuit of it.

Define Action Steps: Break down the steps you need to take to achieve each dream. Start with the steps you can take today.

Take the First Step: Now that you have your steps defined, take the first step immediately. This creates momentum and makes it more likely that you'll follow through with the rest of your plan.

Remember, the goal of dreamlining is to make your dreams achievable by breaking them down into manageable, actionable steps. It’s about turning the abstract into the concrete and making your dreams a reality.

It took me 9 minutes to figure out how to do this (including finding/downloading/uploading the 4HWW .pdf). (I gave myself a time limit of 10 minutes). If you follow these instructions (or ask your AI agent to follow them for you), I bet you can do it in 5 minutes.